Key Points To Be Checked Before Hiring A PrestaShop Developer For Your Company

The rise in the eCommerce sector has opened numerous ways for businesses of all sizes to step in and make the make of this market. Building an online store requires a secure and efficient platform to ensure smooth surfing. The market is occupied with a range of options, and every platform has an edge over the other. Among them, PrestaShop is reliable, secure, and efficient.

The platform is known for its extensive support of foreign languages, customization ability, top-tier security, and multi-store development. These features make it one of the most talked-about online store development platforms. The only demerit is its complexity, which is widely evident. This requires experience and expertise. The ideal way is to opt for PrestaShop web development services.

But, it is not easy to opt for the right services for your project because of the availability of various service providers. This range of options might confuse you because every company or developer is better than the other. Hence, you must follow the prerequisite steps to find the right developer to build your online store. 

Points to Follow Before Hiring a PrestaShop Expert for Your Project

Indeed, PrestaShop is a complex platform that requires you to be a skilled service provider. Hiring a developer(s) is a strategic decision to solve this intricate puzzle. However, with the availability of various options, it becomes drastically challenging to find the right fit for your project. Now, you must wonder how to find the right developer for your project.

1. Experience

The first thing to consider is a service provider’s experience. A project with an experienced team is likelier to succeed than one with an inexperienced team. This is because they have the required experience to create a high-quality website.  Experience plays a pivotal role. An experienced developer or company better understands and skillfully removes the nuances and difficulties that could happen during development. This way, a professional team or developer can successfully create a project. 

2. Technical Skills

Once you have considered the experience of a developer(s), the next thing to check is technical fluency. This is the most vital thing to lift or break your project down. So, ensure that you check this skill precisely. Now, how can you check this? An ideal PrestaShop web development company is one with years of working experience on this platform and a strong portfolio of completed projects in the past. To get a detailed understanding of the service provider, it is crucial to check the company’s portfolio. 

Here, you will find a list of projects a service provider completes. You can check the technologies, features, and functionalities they have used. It is crucial to look for the project they have completed that fits your business needs. This will help you better understand their proficiency.

Read: Affordable Web Design: How to Get a Great Website on a Small Business Budget

3. Check on Communication 

While technical skills for your project are good, it is a boon if you check on soft skills like communication. This soft skill is pivotal in establishing a promising partnership with a developer. A team/developer that effectively communicates and collaborates with the stakeholders can easily define issues and any problems that might arise and build lasting relationships. 

Effective communication only sometimes includes conveying problems or issues; it is more than that, as it involves active listening. One way to ascertain this aspect is to interview developers; the other is to better understand them through their clients. 

4. Consider Budget and Timeline

You must check these crucial aspects before establishing a partnership with a developer. The best way is to seek quotations from different service providers. This will give you a better idea of their prices and how much you are willing to spend on your project. Include those developers/companies that come under the quotation prices you have kept for your services. 

For the timeline, you can check their approach to completing the project. It is ideal to check the website or the deadline for completing projects to see whether they are completing projects in a timely manner. 

5. Ongoing Support

It is always good to work with a team that provides ongoing support. Running an eCommerce store effectively for a long period requires timely maintenance. Till now, you must have the most potential service providers in your list, so it is good to ask this question from them. Suppose you have hired an expert who does not provide after-development support services, and after a period of time, your online store starts creating issues, whether performance or scalability. This negatively impacts the presence of your business. Hence, focusing on this aspect is crucial, as with others. 


Choosing PrestaShop to develop an online store is a well-thought-out decision. This platform holds a considerable share, and leading companies from eBay to Fujitsu use it and have gained a good market presence. But can choosing a platform do it all? This is just one step on a ladder of many valuable steps. The most crucial and game-changing is to look for the right team and hire PrestaShop developers for your project. To do this, you need to follow the required points that can help you in the process. These will help you work with the right team to create an online store that precisely meets the requirements of your project.